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GetResponse Affiliate Program (2024)

You have likely heard the saying, "The money is in the list."

This phrase keeps being repeated in connection with the marketing and making money online.

And for a good reason, it is not just a catchy phrase but a truth. A list is a long-term business asset that allows making money continuously over the years. It enables you to build a relationship with your subscribers.

People make more purchases from brands they know and trust rather than from someone they have never heard about before. Building a list allows you to create that trust and familiarity with your brand.

The GetResonse affiliate program has enormous potential as there is a massive demand for e-mail marketing tools. Anyone trying to make money online needs to invest sooner or later in one.

There are hundreds of different e-mail marketing tools, but GetResponse is among the top brands with a long history and excellent reputation.

In this affiliate program review, you will learn all the essential things to decide if it is worth becoming a GetResonse affiliate.

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GetResponse Affiliate Program

GetResponse affiliate program has a nicely organized sign-up page on which you can learn most of the important things about their program.

GetResponse uses an in-house affiliate program and CJ affiliate network.

You can apply to the in-house program directly through the sign-up page on the GetResponse website and to the CJ affiliate program through their website. However, you will first need to create an account.

The referral window is 120 days which is excellent. The program has a last-click credit policy, so if within the 120 days your potential referral, who clicked on your affiliate link but had not made a purchase yet, clicked on a link of someone else, they would be credited for the referral and not you.

Deep linking is available. It allows you to split test and optimize your conversion rate. If you don't know what deep linking is, it is a possibility to create a link to a specific page. Some affiliate programs give you just one affiliate link leading to their main offer page, which is all you can use.

Deep linking allows you to send visitors not just to their main offer page but to any page on the merchant's site.

So, for instance, you can send them to a page where GetResponse talks about how their tools help boost online sales.

Or you could have an article about comparing prices with another e-mail marketing tool that is more expensive. For that article, create a link that would lead to the pricing page so that they could immediately land on a page on which they would see the lower pricing.

GetResponse Affiliate Program Commission

GetResponse affiliate program is one of few programs that allow you to choose between recurring and a bounty program.

You earn 33% a month of your referral payments with the recurring program. In addition, your commission will increase if your referral ever upgrades to a higher plan.

With the bounty program, you earn $100 per sale.

When this article was published, the recurring program was available only for the in-house program, not the CJ affiliate network.

The minimum threshold to be able to withdraw is $50.

For the recurring program, you receive a commission around the 20th of each month for the referrals from the previous month.

For the bounty program, you receive your commission within 60-90 days.

Can You Make $1000 a Month as a GetResponse Affiliate?

The GetResponse affiliate commission is high, and to earn $1,000, you don't need that many referrals.

The fastest way would be through the bounty program. I skimmed through the bounty program terms and conditions to check if the $100 commission applies to all their paid programs and not only to the highest ones. It does apply to all paid programs, so you receive a commission even if your referral opts in for their cheapest Basic plan, which is excellent.

To earn $1,000 a month, you would therefore need just ten referrals for any of their plans.

With a conversation rate of 1%, you would need just 1,000 visitors monthly.

Now let's take a look at the recurring plan.

When writing this review, the cheapest Basic monthly subscription was $17.

33% of 17 is 5.61, so you would be earning a recurring payment of $5.61 a month from every referral that opts in for the cheapest plan. Usually, most referrals subscribe to the most affordable plan.

To earn $1000 in just one month, you need 178 referrals. To make the recurring plan more comparable with the bounty plan, let's assume you have the same conversation of 1% and 1000 monthly visitors, which equals ten referrals a month.

In the first month, you would earn just $56,1.

In the second month, another $56,1 + recurring $56,1, so you would already be on $112,2.

In the third month another $56,1 + recurring $112,2 so you would earn $168,3.


In the eighteenth month, you would earn $1009,8.

So in this example, it would take eighteenth months to generate an income of around $1000 a month.

If you want to build long-term passive income, the recurring program is a better option for you. It will take more time to reach $1000 a month, but it will be recurring. Don't forget that you get paid commission only as long as your referral remains a GetResponse customer.

Once they stop paying, your overall monthly recurring payments get smaller. For simplicity of this example, I have not taken that into account. In this example, it was also assumed that all the referrals would be getting the cheapest plan, but that would not be the case in reality. The majority will get the most affordable plan, but few will get one of the higher ones.

Imagine you got lucky, and one of your referrals went for the highest plan for $630, then just from this one referral alone, you would get around $208 each month.

If you were on the bounty plan, you would not receive $208 each month but only a one-time commission of $100.

Recurring vs. Bounty Program

Which one of these two programs is better, and which one should you choose?

It's hard to say as we don't know the average length of the subscription. One referral to the cheapest Basic plan takes around 18 months to earn $100, which you could receive immediately with the bounty plan. If most of your referrals were paying members only a few months, the bounty program would be better.

Given the nature of the GetResponse tools, though, I would assume that GetResponse customers remain for years rather than months. That can also be assumed from the Bounty program. How can GetResponse afford to pay a $100 commission? Simply because they calculated that their customer lifetime value is more than $100. It is the same as with hosting affiliate programs. Their commission is usually very high because they know that most people will pay for hosting for years and earn much more from one customer than what they pay to their affiliates.

I think the best approach is to start with the recurring programs and, after some time, evaluate how many referrals you lose each month on average.

Selecting a program is not some biding decision, and you can always change it. You can also join both programs and experiment with them simultaneously. GetResponse explicitly states that it is possible on their affiliate landing page.

How to Make Money as a GetResponse Affiliate

One of the great things about the GetResponse affiliate program is that you can promote their tools in almost any niche. Any business with an online presence can benefit from their tools.

Most people will use GetResponse as e-mail marketing software to send the newsletter, but there are many more features that GetResponse offers, such as building landing pages, webinars, etc.

It's good to first think about your audience and the tools they might need. For instance, if your audience could benefit from webinars, you could build some content specifically for this feature. The webinar is a feature that is not included in the cheapest Basic plan, but in the higher Plus plan, which costs $57 a month, so you would be getting a higher commission.

You can apply this strategy not just to the GetResponse affiliate program but also to any affiliate program.

Another great way to promote GetResponse is by comparison to other e-mail marketing software. GetResponse has many competitors like Mailchimp, Active Campaign, ConvertKit, etc.

Each of them has different features and is more suitable for different businesses. You should join the affiliate programs of the ones that you compare and write an honest review. GetResponse will not suit everyone, so you should not declare it a winner in all comparing categories and try to sell it to everyone.

Comparison articles tend to have a higher conversion rate as they target people who are ready to buy and just can't decide which particular tool to choose.

However, keep in mind that the internet is full of such comparisons, and thus ranking for them might be challenging. Therefore, analyze keywords with your SEO tool and see if you can find some hidden gems with lower-ranking difficulty.

Should You Join the GetResponse Affiliate Program?

GetResponse has everything every good affiliate program should have.

Long cookie period with high commission. Even a possibility to choose between a one-time commission or a recurring one.

GetResponse is a big established brand with a good reputation. Their tools can hugely benefit any business's marketing efforts, so you don't need to be in any particular niche to promote it.

The only negative thing I can think of about the program is that GetResponse has a free plan. In my experience, this lowers your affiliate earnings. I have been an affiliate for one program that did not have a free plan when I joined. Some time down the road, they decided to add a free plan, resulting in a drop in my earnings for that program almost immediately. Logically, a lot of your referrals will be people who are just starting with growing their lists, and for them, some limited free plan will be enough.

I don't particularly appreciate that they force all-new users into the free plan. It is not possible to sign-up for the paid plan immediately. You first have to create a free plan, and afterward, you can upgrade. For you as an affiliate, this does not play in your favor.

There is some negativity at the end, but this should not discourage you from joining the program.

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Make Your First $1,000/Month With Affiliate Marketing

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