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Kinsta Affiliate Program (2024)

Kinsta is a popular cloud-based hosting provider that specializes in managed WordPress plans but also offers application and database hosting.

Like most hosting providers, Kinsta also has an affiliate program. 

Even though the Kinsta affiliate program is not as popular among affiliates as the Bluehost affiliate program or other hosting affiliate programs, it is a program checking out. 

This review will teach you everything about the program to decide if you should become a Kinsta affiliate. 

Kinsta Affiliate Program Overview

Commission: $50-$500 (one-time) + 5%-10% (recurring) 
Cookie Duration: 60 days
Where to Join: in-house affiliate program
Payment Options: PayPal

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Kinsta Affiliate Program

The Kinsta affiliate program can be joined through the Kinsta website here. 

The program is not hosted on any affiliate networks. 

You need to have a website to join the program. Kinsta does not mention any minimum traffic requirement, but they mention that they manually screen each applicant’s website.

They list common reasons why applicants get rejected:

  • Publishers or blogs without a significant amount of relevant, high-quality content
  • Websites under construction or unfinished
  • Websites without their own domain name
  • Websites that display lists of tools or services with no further information
  • Websites without an affiliate disclosure
  • Coupons and deals websites
  • Social media profiles

We do not accept websites containing adult content, inappropriate content, or content regulated or illegal in any of the countries we operate in.

You don’t need to be a Kinsta customer to join the program, even though they encourage affiliates to try their products before promoting them. If you are a Kinsta customer, you get approved for the Kinsta affiliate program automatically. 

The cookie duration is 60 days, a standard length for hosting affiliate programs. 

Kinsta affiliates are provided with banners of various sizes. Their banners are very well designed. 

You can create a deep link to any Kinsta page you like with easy to use affiliate link generator. 

Kinsta has an affiliate academy with various tips and tricks for promoting their products which is a nice bonus. 

They even create a Discord server that Kinsta affiliates can join and ask any questions about the program. 

Kinsta Affiliate Program Commission

Now let’s talk about what interests everyone the most - the affiliate commission. 

The Kisnta affiliate commission varies based on what Kisnta product you promote. 

If you promote application or database hosting, you will earn a 5% recurring monthly commission. 

The prices of application hosting range from $20 to $320 a month ($1-$15.5 recurring commission).

The prices of database hosting range from $18 to $3,250 a month ($0.9-$162.5 recurring commission).

However, the main product of Kinsta is managed WordPress hosting. 

You receive a one-time commission for promoting WordPress hosting based on the table below. 

And you also receive a recurring 10%. 

Recurring commissions are adjusted when a customer upgrades or downgrades, which is great. Not all affiliate programs have that. 

The payment threshold is $50, and payments are made between the 15th and 20th of each month. 

The only supported payment method is PayPal. 

What I really like about the Kinsta affiliate program is that their support is very helpful. Kinsta does care about its affiliates.

Kinsta is the only affiliate program I know that is okay with crediting you for referrals manually. 

For example, many of my website development clients signed up for Kinsta, but were not credited to my account. 

This can happen. People click on your link but then buy from a different device. 

If you prove to Kinsta that you should get credit for the sale, then Kinsta will give it to you. In my case, it was easy as I would just send them a screenshot of the message with my client, + I had delegated access to the client's Kinsta account, so it was obvious that I should be credited. 

For this reason, Kinsta is very popular among developers.

Can You Make $1,000 a Month as a Kinsta Affiliate?

Kinsta has a high affiliate commission, so it does not take as many sales to earn $1,000 as it does with other affiliate programs. 

If you go to the Kinsta affiliate landing page, you can calculate how much you can earn with an affiliate commission calculator. 

For example, getting just 12 sales for the cheapest Kinsta hosting plan would earn you around $60 in monthly recurring commissions. Getting just one sale a month is not that hard, and earning passively $60 each month is decent. Furthermore, you would earn $600 in one-time commissions from these 12 sales. 

To earn $1,000, you would only need 20 sales of the cheapest plan. 

You will get a sale for some higher plans from now and then, so it will take less than 20 sales to reach the $1,000 benchmark. 

Kinsta claims that they have only around 2-4% unsubscribers. I was a little skeptical about this number, to be honest. 

Even though hosting has a relatively low number of subscribers given the nature of the service (no hosting = no website), Kinsta is a premium managed hosting provider with a higher price tag. 

Based on my personal experience, I can confidently state that a 2-4% unsubscribe rate is accurate. Of course, it can fluctuate, but your unsubscribe rate will generally be very low. 

Even though Kinsta is more expensive, its hosting is really good, and many people are willing to spend a little more for quality hosting. 

I use Kinsta hosting for some of my projects, and I am a satisfied customer as well. 

How to Promote Kinsta

The Kinsta affiliate program has a high commission, but generating sales is not easy. 

No matter what hosting affiliate program you join, the competition is extremely high. 

You cannot write an article titled "Kinsta Review: Premium WordPress Hosting Service" and expect to make any sales. 

Looking at websites ranking for "Kinsta Review," I can see that all websites on the first page of Google have domain authority higher than 35 and tons of backlinks. The articles on the second page get almost no traffic. 

In general, websites ranking on the first page of Google get the most traffic, but for "review" related keywords, the gap between the first and second page is even bigger. 

Therefore, if you are just starting out a new website, don’t try to chase the most competitive keywords. It will be a waste of your time. 

Targeting the "review" keywords with a new blog could only make sense if your website is not in English.

Kinsta is localized in 10 languages. Even though the US market is the #1 for Kinsta, it is also widely popular in Japan, France, and many other countries. 

The best keywords might be very competitive in English but less competitive in other languages. 

Besides reviews, another popular way to promote hosting is through "Tools/Resources" pages. 

You will not receive much organic traffic to your tools page as the keywords are very competitive, but including the page in the main navigation will bring you some clicks and generate sales. 

For big blogs, the tools page is often the #1 converting page that brings the most sales, but it is not the case for smaller blogs.

If you have a new blog, your best option is to mainly promote Kinsta through related blog posts.

For example, you could write an article about creating a WooCommerce store and link to the Kinsta WooCommerce hosting landing page.

Summary: Pros & Cons

Below is a compact overview that highlights the main advantages and disadvantages of the Kinsta affiliate program.


  • High one-time + 10% recurring commission
  • 60-day cookie duration
  • Reputable hosting services
  • Wide variety of high-quality banners
  • Good affiliate tracking and reporting tools
  • Excellent affiliate support


  • Hosting affiliate programs are very competitive
  • For some people PayPal as an only payment option can be a problem

Should You Become a Kinsta Affiliate?

Kinsta has a very good affiliate program. It has everything any affiliate can wish for.

High one-time commission with a smaller recurring commission as well. 

Long 60-day cookie duration and excellent affiliate support. 

And most importantly, a quality product that your website visitor can benefit from. 

The only con is that promoting hosting is not easy. In general, hosting affiliate programs are very good, and thus the competition is very high. 

Everyone wants to promote hosting and earn those big commissions. 

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